Partnering with local communities to build lasting homes and experiences.
Our mission is to build quality affordable housing by obtaining approvals and funding consistent with our principles, values, and commitments; improve resident wellbeing with lower housing cost and more income for essential needs.
About Landbridge
Landbridge Development, LLC, is an Atlanta-based affordable housing developer established in 2009 as the successor to Hammond Development, Inc. Since 2000, the companies have closed 38 transactions totaling 3,410 units using a combination of conventional, tax-exempt bond, HOME, HUD, and USDA financing with either 4% or 9% housing tax credits. Other sources of funds have included state and federal historic tax credits, enterprise zone benefits, and brownfields and historic renovation tax incentives.
Our Vision is to be the premier developer and owner of family and senior communities in the markets we serve. By being goal and process oriented, we seek to produce the highest quality housing in the industry.
Our Approach is based upon the following Principles and Values::
- We will at all times conduct ourselves in an honest, fair, and competent way.
- Service & Execution – The people we serve are the reason we exist. We are in the service business; meeting our commitments and projections are critical to our long-term success.
- Respect & Expertise – Our employees, investors, partners, and residents are the means by which we will accomplish our objectives. Establishing an environment for all to thrive and prosper will ensure our long-term success.
- Ingenuity & Innovation – our business systems and technology are how we will stay competitive. We must continually seek out ways to improve on how we acquire and use knowledge.